Looking for Worship and Gospel music for encouragement throughout the day? Not sure where to find it?  Kingdom Citizen Radio is the place! Stream online for free without any commercials or breaks, just uplifting music, devotionals, prayers, and testimonials.

Have you been feeling discouraged or down lately? Well, you’re not alone. We are living in unpredictable times, many people are living without hope.

Listening to uplifting gospel music can change all that,  encouraging you and those around you. I’ve always loved listening to worship music, it reminds me that I am loved and never alone.

Here are a few of my favorite gospel songs played on Kingdom Citizens Radio. I pray this music uplifts, encourages, and gives you strength.

Oh, happy day Ray Charles

Bishop TD Jakes take my life

Charisse Inside

Clint brown 2B Praised

High favored Blake cover me, hide me

Sara Kerr When You smile

Marry Griffin I need thee

Marvin Sapp Honor and Glory  Just here the power when you sing these words out loud.

“Honor and Glory”

Honor and glory, power and majesty. We offer praises forever to our king

Honor and glory, power and majesty. We offer praises forever

Lift your voice, for he is worthy. Worthy of all praise, all honor

Lift your voice, lift your voice. Bless him, bless him at all times

Andre Crouch My Soul Has Been Anchored.  These lyrics really speak to me when I’m down

Though the storms keep on raging in my life. And sometimes it’s hard to tell my night from day.

Still, that hope that lies within is reassured. As I keep my eyes upon the distant shore;

I know He’ll lead me safely to that, Blessed place He has prepared

Kirk Franklin Hero

“With so many crazy things happening in the world, we are all looking for a savior. We have lost hope in our government, in our families and our marriages. Certainly we need a hero now more than ever, and that hero is Jesus”—Kirk Franklin

Intentional by Travis Greene

With everything going on these days, it’s easy to feel like things are coming apart at the seams. Before you can walk through the open door, it just slams in your face. Travis Greene reminds us in his song, “Intentional”, that the good Lord is intentional in all He does. No matter if it’s bad or good, when we feel like life may be too much, there is someone we can trust, who has our best plan at heart.

Intentional Lyrics: “We can smile ’cause we know it’s working

Through the hurt and the pain. I know it’s working for my good
I know it’s working for my good. I don’t have to worry ’cause
It’s working for me, yeah”

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