I have always listened to music, but recently I started listening to christian gospel music. It has truly made my life better in so many ways.

Gospel music has made me more mindful, putting Godly things in the forefront of my day to day life.

Everyone has heard the saying, “Garbage in, Garbage out”. It means whatever you or your family hears is what comes out. Listening to uplifting spiritual music has made me a happier, more Godly person.

Whatever is true, Whatever is honorable,

Whatever is right, whatever is pure,

Whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute,

If there is any excellence and

If anything worthy of praise,

Dwell on these things.

Philippians 4:8 NASB

Gospel music emboldens me

Listening about sharing God’s word with others, makes me want to share. Listening about stand strong, even thought it may be hard, makes me stronger in difficult times. Listening to songs about God’s faithfulness and love, has made me a better person.

Gospel music creates a positive role model

We know nobody is perfect, especially these days. But listening to music about God’s love has made me a better person. It has also made me a great role model for my children. Kingdom Citizens Radio reaches millions with the message of Christ, through Gospel music, testimonials, and comedy.

“Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart, that I may not sin against You.” -Psalm 119:1

Gospel music provides support

So many of us are experiencing difficult times. The gospel artists are right there with you. Their songs are about real life, the ups and downs, and everything in between. It reminds me, I am not alone.

It’s amazing!

Talented artists, great gospel music, there really isn’t anything like it. When we repeat God’s word in song, it leaves a big impact on our hearts. Safeguarding our lives and transforming us into being more like Christ.

“Good people have good things saved in their hearts. That’s why they say good things. But those who are evil have hearts full of evil, and that’s why they say things that are evil. What people say with their mouths comes from what fills their hearts.” -Psalms 119:11

I encourage you to listen to Kingdom Citizens Radio and see for yourself how it can change your life. Check back with us next week as I share the positive impact listening has had on my life.



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