Isn’t it time we all engage with the Soul of Gospel Music. According to the Harvard University, The Pluralism Project, “Gospel music developed among Black Christians in the United States. Informed by the “ring-shouts” of enslaved people, the gospel genre moved into urban centers during the 20th century and became increasingly popular in both religious and secular contexts.”

Gospel music came from the deeply rooted spirituality of rural congregations and camp meetings. The great spiritual and gospel singer Mahalia Jackson, recalling the church of her childhood, said,

“These people had no choir and no organ. They used the drum, the cymbal, the tambourine and the steel triangle. Everybody in there sang, and they clapped and stomped their feet, and sang with their whole bodies. They had a beat, a rhythm we held onto from slavery days, and their music was so strong and expressive. It used to bring tears to my eyes.”

Bernice Johnson Reagon, who edited the Smithsonian volume, We’ll’Understand It Better, By and By, writes, “Into new urban communities, we brought dreams of change; we also brought as much of the past as we could carry—traditions that provided solid ground for uprooted families in strange, often cold, environments. The sound of Black America expanded to embrace this reality. The new dimensions of this expansion are most evident in the development of the urban church music that became known as gospel.”

Experience The Power Of Gospel Music Yourself

More than great music, listen to gospel songs is good for your soul. It can strengthen your foundation of your faith and encourage your Christian journey. Gospel music is known to feed the soul, helping you balance across your life, family, career, and faith.

The Bible says in Philippians 4:8  “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Kingdom Citizens Radio is an online gospel radio focusing on uplifting music, inspirational conversation, words of meaningful encouragement, teaching, and faith humor, that will entertain and share the hope through Christ.

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