We could all use some uplifting music these days. It happened to me when a friend told me about Kingdom Citizens Radio.

I started listening to old time gospel music and biblical teachings and realized how much better I felt. I quickly felt all my worries and anxiety just slip away.

I felt strength and hope from listening to gospel music. It tried up the joy of the Lord inside me. Nehemiah 8; 10 “for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

When the responsibilities of life and work take a toll, it was worship music can help alleviate the pressures.

Health experts say listening to worship music helps people feel happier, more energized, mental clarity and sleep better.

Roman 10; 17 says “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. The foundation of gospel music is based on God’s word, through the Bible. The more I listened to Kingdom Citizen Radio, the stronger my faith became

For me, an inspiring gospel song can fill that sense of emptiness. Having the capacity to uplift the soul and fill the soul with the Holy Spirit. The lyrics of worship music inspires love, hope, and devotion, is a great way to nurture your spirituality.

Ephesians 5;19 “Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”

Praise and worship music is all about uplifting Jesus Christ. Reminding us of our significance as God’s creation. Alleviating our weariness and bringing us closer to God.

As He says in John 12; 32 that “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself

As we grow in our Christian faith, keeping a song in your heart can bring us closer to the Lord. Kingdom Citizens Radio is an online gospel radio focusing on uplifting music, inspirational conversation, words of meaningful encouragement, teaching, and faith humor, that will entertain and share the hope through Christ.

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